Fitness moguls Sam Shamseili, Teerawat Nantiyakul, Natalie Söderström and Avey Cortes share their lockdown experiences, how it affected their work, and what they're most looking forward to when restrictions ease

With the city having gone through yet another lockdown, the closure of fitness studios has undoubtedly been difficult. The lack of motivation to exercise has taken a toll on our bodies and minds, where we’re left pondering on ways to better our mindset. 

At face value, attending a fitness class is a way into routine and caloric burn—but in reality, it’s far more than that. When led by a pack of inspiring instructors, it delves into being more than a simple workout and instead a mind-body experience spearheaded by passion and drive. 

Now with studios opening up and ready to showcase their jam-packed schedules, we’re paying homage to the fitness heroes who have kept it real throughout time, especially over lockdown.

Read more: 6 Best High-Intensity Workout Classes in Hong Kong

Sam Shamseili

Whether it be his exuberant spin classes or intoxicating Latin-American dance performances, Sam Shamseili has caught the eye of many looking to better their physique and mindset toward fitness. A coveted spin coach today at XYZ, Shamseili’s journey started in 2019 after travelling worldwide for exclusive dance competitions. 

“Mental health and fitness are inevitably intertwined; I believe moving is therapy, an expression and a way of life” he says. When speaking to his classes, Shamseili often stresses the importance of owning up to the unprocessed emotions we may have, championing them through movement and allowing ourselves to be truthful in our practice. 

Speaking of lockdown, the young instructor outlines how he purchased an indoor cycling bike to honour his journey and practice any time at home. As he addresses previous feelings of dismay, he recalls how the first step was to acknowledge and accept hardship, as to him, he’s always “been one to be ​​inspired by almost anything, and anyone he meets.” What became his bible were three concepts: “habit, routine and discipline” which helped deviate from negativity.

Now with the studio back on schedule, he comes to realise that having an ‘end goal’ or destination means nothing without the journey. Elated as ever to commence to the studio, he has one word to celebrate it: “Euphoria.” To Shamseili’s “courageous and outstanding riders”, he has one reminder: “never stop polishing and honing your skills, whether they be physical, mental or emotional.”

Never stop polishing and honing your skills, whether they be physical, mental or emotional.

- Sam Shamseili -

Teerawat (Tee) Nantiyakul

When it comes to health and wellness, science educator slash yoga instructor Tee Nan shares how even the smallest of choices have impacted his goals. “I want to live the highest quality of life,” says Nantiyakul when speaking about indulging in “sustainable practices that are fun, progressive and challenging.” Instructing at Asaya Wellness and XYZ,  Nantiyakul applauds the numerous skilled teachers who he calls his mentors. “They gave me the space to be my own teacher. That process inspires me because it means that I can learn anything,” he shares. 

By soulfully connecting with aspiring yogis, Nantiyakul's practice is more than a stress release that stretches the body, but a journey that explores the mind and physicality. "It is more than a passion or a career; it’s a calling where I’m a guide to pass on what’s honest to my students," he says.

With restrictions slowly opening up, Nantiyakul looks back on his past lockdown moments of unproductivity: “I’m naturally positive! When I practice my pranayama (breathing exercises) and turn upside down—it’s natural highs all day. Not only have I enjoyed teaching online classes for my clients and family—I’ve also taken classes from other experienced teachers worldwide."

Soon to be reunited at the studio, the thought of how his clients' have grown from online practices, and the celebration of their consistency is all he’s looking forward to. “I miss the energy of people before and after practice or training.”

I’m naturally positive! When I practice my pranayama and turn upside down—it’s natural highs all day.

- Teerawat Nantiyakul -

Natalie Söderström

To yoga and meditation instructor Natalie Söderström, fitness and wellness are made simple. “If you look at your life as a circle where things such as diet and movement are pieces in a pie—the other pieces are relationships, purpose, finances, work, creativity and so forth.”

Improvement and consistency are the two pillars of her life. Having approached her first teacher training, Söderström recalls how rediscovering herself was never a part of the plan. “The deeper the practice became, the more I felt I had to share it with others. It wasn't always easy, considering my feelings of shyness." Speaking of how yoga enabled her to step out of her comfort zone, she says, “it soon became about sharing what I love and letting that be the force to bestow joy and peace on others.”  

Though negatives dwelled on Söderström over the lockdown, “a simple routine of waking up, showering and getting out of pyjamas” helped her. Daily walks, exploring new hiking trails and calling up friends and families became her solace. "It felt like I was given this opportunity and gift of time knowing it was not going to last forever. It really became all about mindset,” she says. 

“It’s so often we push difficult emotions away because we don’t know how to handle them, but by doing that, it eventually blows up,” Söderström reminds us all. With excitement about teaching in person again, the young wellness advocate can only remember her own words of motivation: “love, kindness and compassion.”

The deeper the practice became, the more I felt I had to share it with others.

- Natalie Söderström -

Avey Cortes

“What I've been focused on for the past two years is that we can't control anything around us except our own happiness. It begins with you, your mindset and your heart,” states Cortes. 

Believing that fitness and well-being should be a concept accessible to everyone, the yoga and all-around fitness trainer reveals how a “large part of [his] drive behind becoming a trainer was to motivate and influence no matter a person's ability, size or speed.” 

Amidst the lockdown, Cortes reveals how he went through a divorce, which catapulted his acknowledgement toward self-care. Whether it be “therapy, meditation, yoga, breathwork, journaling or healthy eating—I did everything I could to give myself space and allow myself to feel.” Switching to a brighter outlook, “there is always a lesson to learn in adversity,” he says. "It’s all about your mindset."

As the trainer delved into looking after health as a whole, he warmly shares a glimpse of his ‘happy list’ which was compiled during the lockdown. He found the simplest of glee in sunbathing, watching his favourite television show and scheduling intricate tasks in his diary. “This way I know a few times a day, I am hitting those happy beats and no matter what's going on around me, I will have treated myself to a few things that put a smile on my face,” Cortes says. 

“I'm looking forward to the camaraderie and connection that comes along with a group class setting,” where he recalls his jubilation of having spent “45-60 minutes sweating with people and having a common thread of pushing the limit.” 

What I've been focused on for the past two years is that we can't control anything around us except our own happiness. It begins with you, your mindset and your heart.

- Avey Cortes -
