Shot in sunny day
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國內疫情狀況瞬息萬變,好不容易確診數字出現緩降,近期卻又有變種病毒 Delta 入侵!大眾對於防疫的警覺性持續提升,但從去年到現在長時間對抗病毒,不少人因此陷入焦慮的情緒而不自知,要如何釋放這股壓力?一起來學習吧!

Tatler Asia
TAIPEI, TAIWAN - 2021/07/19: A medical worker wearing a personal protective equipment suit (PPE) is seen during the vaccination session in Taipei hospital ahead of the COVID-19 alert Level 3 restriction lift in Taipei. (Photo by Walid Berrazeg/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Above Photo by Walid Berrazeg/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images





Tatler Asia
Woman wearing mask at home during isolation
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1.     生理上的不適反應: 不正常的生理狀態就是最明顯的表徵,過度的焦慮會導致心跳加快、呼吸急促、手心出汗、眩暈、腸胃不適或一段時間的睡眠狀況。

2.     情緒上感到痛苦:焦慮會使我們過度關注生活中的負面消息,進而形成惡性循環;還有過度在意他人看法、幸福感降低都是一個自我檢視的標準!

3.     對生活的認知扭曲:最不易察覺的症狀是選擇性認知,不知不覺中我們已經全然陷入疫情相關訊息,無法再注意生活或工作上的重要事情!另外出現對生活失去希望、注意力變差、學習能力下降等徵兆,也可以視作警訊!

Tatler Asia
Asian woman use a smartphone with ear buds wearing surgical mask face protection and keep social distance while commuting in the metro or train
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疫情的改變會使我們陷入「變動」的恐慌內,再加上過多的資訊反而使不少人陷入混亂當中,容易產生病毒步步進逼的恐慌感!編輯建議每日接觸疫情新聞時間不要超過 30 分鐘,也可以活用疾管家等官方管道查證資訊,取代社群上似是而非的訊息!

Tatler Asia
Chemical troops disinfecting public areas and transport are seen traveling on the underground, as there have been cases of infections and deaths related to Covid-19, in Taipei, Taiwan, 25 May 2021. Starting from July 22, Restaurants and non essential businesses in some cities have been reopened, but the island is facing difficulties in the supply of AstraZeneca, Biontech, Moderna and Medigen vaccines, even though its economy  is showing good signs. (Photo by Ceng Shou Yi/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
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延伸閱讀:居家運動健身計畫不能少!5 種在家就能做的運動、健身器材推薦

Tatler Asia
A male with a face mask is doing workout at a gym, as the nationwide Covid-19 alert has been lowered to Level 2 following a month of combating a local outbreak, in Taoyuan, Taiwan, 28 July 2021. Non essential businesses including Cinemas, restaurants and sports facilities have been allowed to take customers under the lowered alert, but several cities including Taipei refused to follow the implementation by Taiwans CDC in fear of uncurbed transmissions, while the country is boosting its  immunity rate with A
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Tatler Asia
asian woman working at home
Above Photo by Getty Images
