Photo: Instagram / @pattyang_
Cover Photo: Instagram / @pattyang_

We reveal Patty Ang's evening beauty secrets and top-rated products in our Before Bed series!

The perfect skincare regimen for your complexion exists, it just takes a good deal of research and practice. However, if you find yourself in a constant loop of hits and misses, make things a tad bit easier for yourself by learning from skincare enthusiasts and specialists. Gone are the days of only dreaming of a flawless face as now we feature various personalities who seem to know the key to achieving their best skin.

The first belle of Tatler's Before Bed series is fashion designer and mom Patty Ang of Atelier Patty Ang and Patton Studio. Join Patty and discover her skincare secrets, hacks, nightmares, and tips:

See also: Tea as a Beauty Ingredient: Rejuvenating, Anti-Acne, And More

What is your skin type?

I would say it really depends on the weather. Sometimes dry, sometimes oily!

Who or what influenced your skincare routine?

No one really influenced me because each skin type varies and [depends on] what really suits you. So you really need to find what suits you.

What is your evening skincare routine?

I honestly don’t use much. I think if I use more, my skin gets more irritated. I’m super basic. Steps would be: clean, tone, and moisturize every morning and night. Of course, never forget to use sunscreen every morning, too! Even if I just stay at home, I still put on sunscreen.

See also: 5 Cleansers For Summer Skin

What are your holy grail products?

Facial wash, toner and moisturizer. It’s really that three combos. I honestly sometimes switch up brands since I don’t want my skin to get used to just one brand or a certain product.

How did you find a skincare routine that works for you?

If I don’t break out after a week of using it, then I know it works for my skin!

What is a skincare hack you think we should know?

I put really thick layers of moisturizer at night. It becomes really oily in the morning but when I wash it off, it really gives my skin that extra moisture!

Do you use facemasks?

Yes—Sulwashoo! It’s the only face mask I use and it’s amazing! Probably once a week and it honestly gives amazing results.

Do you have a beauty horror story?

Not really. Just bad times when I break out, so I usually visit my derma (skincare) they take care of me pretty well.

How often do you practise skin fasting (a break from skincare)?

I don’t think I take a break from it. Our skin needs it every day.
