The key to getting through a retrograde period relatively unscathed is to consciously participate in what the cosmic energies are there to support (Photo: Getty Images)
Cover The key to getting through a retrograde period relatively unscathed is to consciously participate in what the cosmic energies are there to support (Photo: Getty Images)

Don’t know what a retrograde is? Here’s what you need to know about this astrological event, and how to harness that energy

On Sunday, Mars begins to move backwards along its path in the night sky. This is no pre-Halloween trick or illusion—every two years or so, Mars the Warrior Planet, which rules our drive, energy, and focus, enters a period of internal review called retrogradation. From October 30 until January 13, 2023, expect to see a tangible shift in efforts and plans.

Typically, around this time, there is no shortage of Internet warnings against starting new projects or new agreements, as there can be dire predictions of anger and aggression, as well as worrisome omens about stagnation or indecision. Practically speaking, putting life on hold for two-and-a-half months is not an option for most of us. So the key to getting through a retrograde period relatively unscathed is to consciously participate in what the cosmic energies are there to support.

As the ruler of Aries and co-ruler of Scorpio, Mars represents our instincts and passions, as well as our hunting style—that is, how we go about achieving our goals in life. It governs sexuality, athleticism, assertiveness and energy levels. In retrograde, Mars begins to question itself. Strategies must be reviewed, and goals tested to make sure they are still in line with our greatest good. At the other end, we are set to emerge with new directions, renewed enthusiasm, and freedom from old patterns of behaviour that are not serving us.

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It's important to note that any repressed anger or unresolved conflicts can come back to haunt our efforts and plans during this period. People who have hurt us in the past may come back into the picture; old wounds we suffered and thought we had forgotten—from the playground or a hostile work environment—may reopen. Remember: how much we are controlled by painful experiences in the past sometimes hinges on how willing we are to process difficult feelings. So if we can muster up the courage to speak up, forgive, or see things in a new light, liberation is within our reach.

In any event, the overarching purpose of a Mars retrograde period is for us to harness our impulses and drive, and put our will power to better use. This often requires slowing down external events so that the internal re-evaluation can unfold.

Those born under this biennial celestial event, who have Mars retrograde in their birth charts, will resonate with the decreased outward displays of enthusiasm coupled with an internal fire that burns within them. While calm and placid on the surface, retrograde Mars people often direct their competitive energies against themselves and can be their own harshest critic. Sports and exercise can be a good way to channel that inner fire, for them as well as for the rest of us during this time.

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On or around December 8, about halfway through this retrograde period, an opportunity for release presents itself. This is prime time for confrontations or explosions that are necessary in order for everyone involved to move forward. Of course, the degree of intensity or level of disruption will vary from person to person, but retrograde Mars also merges with the Full Moon on the same day, indicating a high degree of emotional charge that will not go unnoticed. For those familiar with their birth charts, look to where the middle degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius are for the areas of life most affected. 

Past this point in early December, other possible release points occur when Mars comes out of retrograde on January 13 through to the end of the month. For those who have not yet completed their homework, the restlessness will continue to build until a final deadline around St Patrick’s Day in mid-March, when Mars returns to its original position in the sky before it started moving backwards just before Halloween 2022.

For those who choose to re-evaluate goals, question strategies, examine personal morals and motives—and perhaps release old pain that was controlling our actions—the level of disruption during a Mars retrograde can be minimal. On the other hand, rage, hostility, frustration and uncontrollable passions may erupt for those who choose to fight the slower cosmic tempo and to avoid self-reflection. We, and the world, are about to undergo a change in how we manifest the inner hunter/warrior within, and it is well within our power to choose how we experience it.