ROME, ITALY - NOVEMBER 26: Women participate in the National demonstration against male violence against women and gender organized by the transfeminist movement Non Una di Meno,on November 26, 2022 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Simona Granati - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)
Cover ROME, ITALY - NOVEMBER 26: Women participate in the National demonstration against male violence against women and gender organized by the transfeminist movement Non Una di Meno,on November 26, 2022 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Simona Granati - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

38 國際婦女節(International Women's Day)即將到來。

「國際婦女節(International Women's Day,簡稱 IWD)」又被稱作三八國際婦女節或國際勞動婦女節,這節日或許你知道與女權有深遠的關係,也知道各地社會在國際婦女節亦慶祝婦女在經濟、政治和社會等領域做出的重要貢獻,不過它的由來你了解多少?取名為「三八」難道是在暗指女性個性「38」?本篇就帶你來一探究竟!


國際婦女節是為了紀念女權運動存在,而這段故事則得追溯至二十世紀初。當時西方各國正處在快速工業化和經濟擴張階段,惡劣的工作條件和低廉的工資使得各種抗議和罷工活動此起彼伏,其中像是紡織業的女工不得不增加,儘管需要大量人力,卻是以低廉的工資僱用勞工,再加上長工時、工作環境也欠佳,種種因素導致這些工人選在 1857 年 3 月 8 日上街抗議,隨後每年都會在這日子舉辦遊行。

首次慶祝婦女節是在 1909 年?

Tatler Asia
Members of the National Women's Liberation Movement, on an equal rights march from Speaker's Corner to No.10 Downing Street, to mark International Women's Day, London, 6th March 1971. One woman is carrying a placard reading 'Equal Pay Now'. On the right, a woman is holding a copy of the Trotskyist publication 'Red Mole'. (Photo by Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Above Members of the National Women's Liberation Movement, on an equal rights march from Speaker's Corner to No.10 Downing Street, to mark International Women's Day, London, 6th March 1971. One woman is carrying a placard reading 'Equal Pay Now'. On the right, a woman is holding a copy of the Trotskyist publication 'Red Mole'. (Photo by Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Tatler Asia
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - MARCH 08:  Thousands of demonstrators march down Istanbul's famous Istiklal street during a rally for International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey. Women around the globe attended events, rallies and protests to highlight the work and achievements of women all over the world. International Women's Day was first marked in 1911.  (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
Above ISTANBUL, TURKEY - MARCH 08: Thousands of demonstrators march down Istanbul's famous Istiklal street during a rally for International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey. Women around the globe attended events, rallies and protests to highlight the work and achievements of women all over the world. International Women's Day was first marked in 1911. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

但其實這活動起初尚無受到注目,直到 1908 年將近 15,000 名婦女現身紐約街頭爭取權益,要求縮短工作時間,增加工資和享有選舉權等,並喊出了象徵經濟保障和生活品質的「麵包加玫瑰」的口號,才日漸備受重視,女性勞工意識抬頭,隔年美國社會主義黨宣布設定為「全國婦女日」(National Women's Day)。所以首次慶祝婦女節是在 1909 年 2 月 28 日,當時美國社會黨發表了一項宣言,號召在每年 2 月的最後一個星期日舉行紀念活動,並且此祝活動一直持續到 1913 年。



Tatler Asia
March 1924:  German communist leader, socialist and staunch feminist Clara Zetkin (1857 - 1933), who was a friend of Lenin and died in Russia.  (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Above 國際婦女運動的先驅人物「克拉拉柴特金」(Clara Zetkin)。March 1924: German communist leader, socialist and staunch feminist Clara Zetkin (1857 - 1933), who was a friend of Lenin and died in Russia. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

1911 年 3 月,紐約發生了著名的三角工廠火災,火災吞噬了140多名製衣女工的生命,這其中大多數是義大利和猶太移民,而惡劣的工作條件被認為是導致如此重大傷亡的主要原因。那時除了修改勞工相關法條外,後來還對美國的勞工立法產生了重要影響。國際婦女運動的先驅人物「克拉拉柴特金」(Clara Zetkin)在哥本哈根舉行的國際婦女會議上也進一步發聲,她提倡應為全國婦女設立節日,而國際婦女節就此正式誕生。

值得注意的是,國際婦女節的紀念活動在上世紀二、三十年代期間正常舉行,但後來一度中斷。直到 1960 年代,隨著女權運動的興起才又逐漸恢復,聯合國也從 1975 年國際婦女年開始,每年於 3 月 8 日舉辦活動慶祝國際婦女節。至於許多人納悶「38」這數字是不是轉個彎罵女性「三八」?事實證明只是各位多慮啦!


Tatler Asia
Women's Day, poster by Karl Maria Stadler published in Munich, Bavaria, on the occasion of the feast of March 8. Lithograph, Germany, Munich of Bavaria 1914. (Photo by Fototeca Gilardi/Getty Images)
Above 1914 年德國使用的國際婦女節海報。Women's Day, poster by Karl Maria Stadler published in Munich, Bavaria, on the occasion of the feast of March 8. Lithograph, Germany, Munich of Bavaria 1914. (Photo by Fototeca Gilardi/Getty Images)
Tatler Asia
06 December 2022, India, Khori: Annalena Baerbock (Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen), Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, meets with women of the village of the project "Social Center for Rural Initiative and Advancement". In this village, projects on renewable energies and rainwater storage are implemented. It is the last item on the program of a two-day trip to India. Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa (Photo by Carsten Koall/picture alliance via Getty Images)
Above 06 December 2022, India, Khori: Annalena Baerbock (Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen), Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, meets with women of the village of the project "Social Center for Rural Initiative and Advancement". In this village, projects on renewable energies and rainwater storage are implemented. It is the last item on the program of a two-day trip to India. Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa (Photo by Carsten Koall/picture alliance via Getty Images)

既然是節日,那麼會像清明節、中秋節一樣不用上班嗎?以台灣來說,雖然現在這天依舊得上班上課,但其實早在 1994 年前是國定能夠享有假期的節日,隨後內政部改為與四月的兒童節合併放假,直到 1998 年才正式取消 3 月 8 日的休假制度。




Tatler Asia
SKOPJE, MACEDONIA - MARCH 08: A woman takes a photo as she joins Macedonian nationalists marching to the parliament during a rally on Women's day on March 8, 2017 in Skopje, Macedonia. The political crisis deepens as the president refuses to grant the socialist democrats with a mandate in order to form a government with the Albanian parties. European and NATO officials are pressuring the president to give the mandate to the parliamentarian majority formed by the socialist democrats and Albanian parties. Rus
Above SKOPJE, MACEDONIA - MARCH 08: A woman takes a photo as she joins Macedonian nationalists marching to the parliament during a rally on Women's day on March 8, 2017 in Skopje, Macedonia. The political crisis deepens as the president refuses to grant the socialist democrats with a mandate in order to form a government with the Albanian parties. European and NATO officials are pressuring the president to give the mandate to the parliamentarian majority formed by the socialist democrats and Albanian parties. Rus
Tatler Asia
ROME, ITALY, NOVEMBER 26: Participants attend a demonstration against male violence on women in Rome, Italy, on November 26, 2022, on the occasion of the UNÃs international day for the elimination of violence against women, which is celebrated on November 25. (Photo by Riccardo De Luca/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Above ROME, ITALY, NOVEMBER 26: Participants attend a demonstration against male violence on women in Rome, Italy, on November 26, 2022, on the occasion of the UNÃs international day for the elimination of violence against women, which is celebrated on November 25. (Photo by Riccardo De Luca/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

每年隨著國際婦女節的到來,從 3 月開始全球各國都會展開一連串相關的慶祝活動,過去是上街遊行表達訴求,現在則是以歡慶女性在社會上不同領域的貢獻和表揚成就為主。值得一提的是,部分國家(如智利、保加利亞、克羅埃西亞、羅馬尼亞)將這節日視同為母親節等級的重要,男性會挑選花束或小禮物贈送給身邊重要的女性,抑或小孩送禮物給媽媽表達感謝之情。不曉得今年的國際婦女節,你會想做些什麼事呢?
