An aerial view of São Jorge Island in the Azores. The Azores Archipelago has been named a new 'Hope Spot' by Mission Blue.
Cover An aerial view of São Jorge Island in the Azores. The Azores Archipelago has been named a new 'Hope Spot' by Mission Blue.
面對全球暖化現象,海洋在生態系中扮演重要的緩衝角色。身在四面環海的寶島臺灣,國人卻對這位環抱保護著我們的大自然母親缺乏瞭解。近來因公投行動才漸受注目的桃園大潭藻礁,便是明顯一例。然而,這片美麗海域也受到國際知名人士的重視,那就是傳奇海洋學家兼探險家席薇亞·厄爾(Sylvia Earle),她甚至親自撰函給總統,極力讚嘆大潭藻礁的珍貴,並將其列入她所主持的「藍色使命」(Mission Blue)計劃中,位居東亞的首座「希望點」(Hope Spot)。
Tatler Asia
Sylvia Earle,  Rolex Testimonee and founder of Mission Blue, during a visit in 2017 to a Hope Spot at Cabo Pulmo, Los Cabos, Mexico.
Above Sylvia Earle, Rolex Testimonee and founder of Mission Blue, during a visit in 2017 to a Hope Spot at Cabo Pulmo, Los Cabos, Mexico.

親身投入海洋保育  戮力建立希望點

長年熱愛海洋的席薇亞·厄爾,不僅是多項女子潛水紀錄保持者,身兼海洋學家、探險家與作家、演說家的她,於 2009 年創辦海洋保育計劃「藍色使命」(Mission Blue),而該計劃在2014年更獲得一項雄厚的助益,正是來自瑞士的高級腕錶品牌勞力士(Rolex)。起始自 1970 年代,勞力士的蠔式恒動(Oyster Perpetual)腕錶就一直是席薇亞·厄爾從事深潛計劃時最為可靠的報時夥伴,她並於 1982 年起成為勞力士代言人。

Tatler Asia
Sperm whales off the coast of São Miguel Island will be among hundreds of species to benefit from a new Mission Blue 'Hope Spot' in Portugal's Azores Archipelago.
Above Sperm whales off the coast of São Miguel Island will be among hundreds of species to benefit from a new Mission Blue 'Hope Spot' in Portugal's Azores Archipelago.

事實上,勞力士於 2019 年推出的「保護地球,恒動不息」(Perpetual Planet)計劃中,與「藍色使命」之合作關係是重要的組成部分之一,而近期的最新成果便是於大西洋中部、鄰近葡萄牙的亞述群島建立「希望點」(Hope Spot)。「亞述群島是一片充滿生機之地,富有不可思議的魔力,對鯨魚來說尤其如此,因此我們理應在此建立『希望點』。」鯨魚之外,亞述群島海域的鼠海豚、魚類、珊瑚叢與海綿等數百種海洋生物亦將從中受益。

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During the summer, mobula rays gather around thePrincess Alice seamount situated 45 miles fromFaial Island.
Above During the summer, mobula rays gather around thePrincess Alice seamount situated 45 miles fromFaial Island.

藍色使命永不停歇  一如精確報時

時至今日,「藍色使命」計劃已經在全球受人類活動影響的關鍵海域或未受保護的地帶,設立 130 餘個「希望點」。然而,目前受到妥善保護的海洋僅佔全球海域之 8%。「藍色使命」的目標,冀望致力於 2030 年前把全球 30%面積的海洋納入保護區。「人類對海洋的改變超越了所有其他物種,我們改變了自然的本質,大規模從海中捕魚,更讓海中飄滿塑膠製品。雖然目前情況稍有改善,但保護海洋依然十分迫切,因為我們正面對著可能無法逆轉的變化。」厄爾不禁語重心長提醒著世人們。

Tatler Asia
A blue shark in the waters off of the Princess Alice Bank, a seamount southwest of Faial Island in the Azores Archipelago. The archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean was recently named a 'Hope Spot'.
Above A blue shark in the waters off of the Princess Alice Bank, a seamount southwest of Faial Island in the Azores Archipelago. The archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean was recently named a 'Hope Spot'.

「藍色使命」計劃與勞力士雙方攜手合作,皆致力於保護人類共存的珍貴地球,以至真熱忱襄助實現宏偉目標,探索、修復、復興及守護全球海洋。厄爾表示:「從 1970 年起,我一直與勞力士合作,雙方亦日漸變得志同道合。秉持與勞力士共同的願景,我覺得我們必須持續致力保護地球,使它恒動不息,從而將豐富多彩的海洋奇觀得以保存予後代。集合眾人之力,一定能有所作為。」」十餘年來,席薇亞·厄爾與「藍色使命」計劃從未停止保護重要海洋生態系統的腳步,一如勞力士的蠔式恒動腕錶始終未曾停歇的精準運轉,並將共同持續拯救寶貴的湛藍大海。

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Leading oceanographer and Rolex Testimonee Sylvia Earle.
Above Leading oceanographer and Rolex Testimonee Sylvia Earle.
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Beach cleanup on long Island.Sylvia Earle, Mission Blue and Alvania Lawen adressing the voluteers.Photographed during the shooting of the 2020 Mission Blue Documentary Film produced by BBC Studios.
Above Beach cleanup on long Island.Sylvia Earle, Mission Blue and Alvania Lawen adressing the voluteers.Photographed during the shooting of the 2020 Mission Blue Documentary Film produced by BBC Studios.
