(Original Caption) Among World's Best Dressed Women. New York: Mrs. William Paley (above), of New York, wife of the head of the Columbia Broadcasting company, headed the list of the World's best-dressed women announced today by the New York Dress Institute, which has conducted the International Polls Since 1940. Because of two ties, the list ran to twelve this year instead of the usual ten. One of the ties was between stage and screen star Mary Martin and the Duchess of Windsor for tenth place. The Duchess'
Cover (Original Caption) Among World's Best Dressed Women. New York: Mrs. William Paley (above), of New York, wife of the head of the Columbia Broadcasting company, headed the list of the World's best-dressed women announced today by the New York Dress Institute, which has conducted the International Polls Since 1940. Because of two ties, the list ran to twelve this year instead of the usual ten. One of the ties was between stage and screen star Mary Martin and the Duchess of Windsor for tenth place. The Duchess'
Dior首次於台灣推出「LES SALONS D’EXCEPTION卓越逸品訂製沙龍」,用上品牌高級訂製服的核心精神,推出個人訂製服務(made to order)從紳士訂製西服、珍稀皮革配件、珠寶暨腕錶到首度登台的Dior Maison家飾作品,相信不管是男士還是女士,皆可以打造出專屬於你個人風格絕美藝品。
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Above Dior
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Above Dior
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Above Dior

也因為這場限時推出的訂製沙龍,讓許多人注意到一款只接受珍稀皮革與客製的系列「Dior Babe」, 無論是來自上選珍稀皮革裏的尼羅河鱷、美洲短吻鱷、蜥蜴皮革或者鴕鳥皮革 ,  再以金屬光澤感與漸層的色澤效果讓每一件訂製的包款都能與每一只珍稀皮革般透露其自身的美學考究風采。此外,隱身於袋身中的化妝鏡,特有的品牌D字形密鎖與內附的化妝包,珍稀皮革工坊縝密的細節考究,成就了一氣呵成的皮革紋理色澤與渾然天成的Dior Babe逸品包款。

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(Original Caption) Among World's Best Dressed Women. New York: Mrs. William Paley (above), of New York, wife of the head of the Columbia Broadcasting company, headed the list of the World's best-dressed women announced today by the New York Dress Institute, which has conducted the International Polls Since 1940. Because of two ties, the list ran to twelve this year instead of the usual ten. One of the ties was between stage and screen star Mary Martin and the Duchess of Windsor for tenth place. The Duchess'
Above (Original Caption) Among World's Best Dressed Women. New York: Mrs. William Paley (above), of New York, wife of the head of the Columbia Broadcasting company, headed the list of the World's best-dressed women announced today by the New York Dress Institute, which has conducted the International Polls Since 1940. Because of two ties, the list ran to twelve this year instead of the usual ten. One of the ties was between stage and screen star Mary Martin and the Duchess of Windsor for tenth place. The Duchess'

此包是品味蒐藏人士而生,當然命名由來也毫不馬虎,Dior Babe得名自美國傳奇般的風格象徵Babe Parley致敬,她不只是美國60年代的時尚指標,同時還被《TIMES》時代雜誌將她列為僅次於溫莎公爵夫人後最具品味的衣著人士,今日就來介紹這位傳奇名媛的不凡事蹟。

1. Babe Parley是誰

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Above Getty Images
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Above Getty Images

Babe Paley 1915年出生於波士頓,爸爸是神經外科之父Harvey Cushing,她出生在世界知名腦外科醫生家庭,上有兩位姊姊一位嫁給了鐵達尼號上最有錢的富翁John Astor之子;另一位成了羅斯福總統的兒媳,家庭背景本身就挺不凡的。

而從小就被送去上藝術學校的Babe,高中畢業後便去了紐約《Vogue》擔任編輯,所以除了有名的身份背景外,她還多了一道時尚頭銜,雖然僅上班兩年後來嫁給第二任丈夫CBS之父電視與廣播業的先驅William S.Paley便離職,不過在《Vogue》上班的日子也讓她累積了不少人脈和品味。

附註:Babe的第一任丈夫是石油大亨之子StanleyGrafton Mortimer,據傳是因為Babe的媽媽不太喜歡他,所以兩人結婚僅六年便已離婚收場。

2. 開創了平價服飾與高級定製服混搭的穿著

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8th May 1958:  William Paley, the chairman of American broadcasters CBS, with his wife, Babe, in Denmark.  (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
Above 8th May 1958: William Paley, the chairman of American broadcasters CBS, with his wife, Babe, in Denmark. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
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Above Getty Images
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Above Getty Images

婚後老公William S.Paley相當疼愛Babe,所以任由老婆花費大筆金錢來打造自己的「美學」,但向來有精準眼光的Babe也順利打造出屬於她自己時尚風範,不只可以駕馭高級訂製服,同時她也可以著裝充滿鄉村風格的棉布衫、草帽、船型鞋等;又或者到了海島,她會以緊身褲印花上衣配針織外套,吸引到全世界人的目光;甚至Babe最出名的即是把頂級的Tiffany珠寶搭配平價成衣,也讓她成功拿下2次《TIMES》最具品味的衣著人士評選。

3. Babe首創把絲巾系在Hermès手把上

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American fashion editor and socialite Barbara 'Babe' Paley (1915 - 1978), January 1954. She is the wife of CBS chief executive William S. Paley. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Above American fashion editor and socialite Barbara 'Babe' Paley (1915 - 1978), January 1954. She is the wife of CBS chief executive William S. Paley. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

除了穿上西裝外套、西裝褲配David Evins設計的長靴風靡全球外!Babe Parley還首創把絲巾繫在Hermès包包的手把上,不只在當時便引發全球時尚人士效仿,甚至流傳到今日變成一種「Hermès」代表,可見Babe Parley在時尚圈的影響力。

4. 到去世前,都還在經營著自己

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NEW YORK CITY - SEPTEMBER 9:  Babe Paley attends Bonwit Teller Fashion Show on September 8, 1976 at Bonwit Teller in New York City. (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)
Above NEW YORK CITY - SEPTEMBER 9: Babe Paley attends Bonwit Teller Fashion Show on September 8, 1976 at Bonwit Teller in New York City. (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)
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(Original Caption) 12/27/1948-New York, NY: Mrs. William Paley, the former Barbara Cushing Mortimer and onetime fashion editor, heads the list of the 10 best dressed women of 1948 selected by the New York Dress Institute. Two Familiar names missing from the list this year are Claire Boothe Luce and Ina Claire
Above (Original Caption) 12/27/1948-New York, NY: Mrs. William Paley, the former Barbara Cushing Mortimer and onetime fashion editor, heads the list of the 10 best dressed women of 1948 selected by the New York Dress Institute. Two Familiar names missing from the list this year are Claire Boothe Luce and Ina Claire

直至1974年,Babe被診斷出肺癌,儘管承受巨大的痛苦,她仍與朋友和社交圈保持應酬,甚至她還親自為自己的葬禮定好了食物、酒單等,以便在自己的葬禮上也能讓身邊的親朋好友享受到最高級的食物,並且她還將自己的珠寶、個人物品用可愛的彩色紙包裝起來,詳細分配誰能在自己過世後擁有它們。到了1978年7月6日,就在Babe Paley 63歲生日後的幾天,肺癌最終奪走了她的生命,結束她華麗的一生。

5. 用極大的努力營造出一種看似毫不費力的優雅

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(Original Caption) Following its annual poll of more than 1,000 fashion experts and other authorities, the couture group of the New York Dress Institute today issued the 1956 list of the world's best-dressed women. Babe Paley (Mrs. William Paley), of New York, a perennial on the list, is tied for first place with movie star Grace Kelly on the newest roster.
Above (Original Caption) Following its annual poll of more than 1,000 fashion experts and other authorities, the couture group of the New York Dress Institute today issued the 1956 list of the world's best-dressed women. Babe Paley (Mrs. William Paley), of New York, a perennial on the list, is tied for first place with movie star Grace Kelly on the newest roster.

Babe努力著經營自己60多年,後世對Babe的評價為「用極大的努力營造出一種看似毫不費力的優雅」但她也因為這種生活方式,得到不少負面聲浪。像是許多人都說他和老公William S.Paley其實並不如外界看到的這麼恩愛,因為William S.Paley是猶太人所以他想要靠著Babe進到上流社會,而Babe則是需要William S.Paley的財富來打造完美的自己。甚至她的女兒Amanda也在母親去世後表示:「她們的關係很不友好,Babe並沒有履行她身為母親的義務。」在追求社會地位的同時忽視了自己的孩子,令人不勝唏噓。
