A health and fitness guru shows us how to get back in shape from a week of festive feasting

With the Lunar New Year come and gone, chances are most of us have overindulged in far too many sinfully delicious festive dishes – calorie-laden pastries, rich rice cakes and greasy dim sum that seemed like good ideas at the time.

Let’s face it – being caught up in the feed is unavoidable, but it’s time to shake off these post-holiday pounds. 

While everyone has different goals and needs for their post-CNY fitness plans, we consulted Arnold Wong, the founder of Arnz Fitness Movement (AFM) for his five top tips to get our health back on track.

Opt for the right strategies

Aside from regaining control of your nutrition strategy, the most effective workouts after the holidays are weighted compound movements (barbell squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead shoulder press, etc.), in combination with high intensity interval training (HIIT) sequences to really sweat everything out.

“If you're body is up for it, I would incorporate plyometric training into the HIIT sequences,” says Wong. Plyometrics, also known as 'jump training', is a type of training involving jumping, bounding and other high impact exercises that focus on maximising the stretch reflex of the muscles

Say no to extreme dieting

While one can quickly lose weight by decreasing their carb intake, by being too extreme, we also lose lean muscle mass and slow our metabolism. This would ultimately result in decreased fat burning capabilities, low energy levels, mental dullness, negative mood swings and more. Wong says that a more balanced, realistic and sustainable way of flexible dieting is much preferred.

Avoid common mistakes

“Most common mistakes I usually see are cutting carbs out of your life, overworking your body and not allowing yourself to rest or sleep.” Wong also highlighted the importance of keeping yourself hydrated by drinking enough water and not overly restricting yourself from fun foods, which easily leads to mentally relapsing. 

Find a workout buddy

If you find exercising alone boring, workout with a fun and reliable companion. “Having a friend that you consistently workout with is a big motivating factor and helps you hold each other accountable. I also find that when you have a friend to workout with, you are more inclined to try new sports and events together. It's always fun to sweat with your friends!” says Wong.

Eat right

While we all know that this is much easier said than done, diet does plays a core role in keeping fit after festive shenanigans. According to Wong, we should take the time to investigate all the healthy food options near your home and work (or even pack our own meals).

“We all know the story of when we are hungry we always make bad food decisions, and in a place like HK with plenty of options, it's easy to go downhill and grab the quick unhealthy fix,” says Wong.