BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 14:  People work at computers in the community space of Factory Berlin on July 14, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. Factory Berlin is a commercial space that has sought to attract tech companies and startups and so far has rented out office space to international brands including Uber and Pinterest as well as local startup SoundCloud. It also maintains the community space, which brings together international software and app developers in a work environment meant to foster common creativity.
Cover BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 14: People work at computers in the community space of Factory Berlin on July 14, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. Factory Berlin is a commercial space that has sought to attract tech companies and startups and so far has rented out office space to international brands including Uber and Pinterest as well as local startup SoundCloud. It also maintains the community space, which brings together international software and app developers in a work environment meant to foster common creativity.

2022 年各行各業平均薪資公開。

行政院主計總處日前公布去年 12 月暨全年工業及服務業薪資調查結果,2022 年本國籍全時受僱員工(不含外國籍與部分工時員工)經常性薪資平均為 47,429 元,月增 0.47%,年增 2.41%;獎金及加班費等非經常性薪資 13, 284 元,合計後總薪資平均為 60,713 元,年增 3.64%。

2022 年全年每人每月經常性薪資平均為 46,838 元,每人每月總薪資平均為 60,954 元。

若是包含全體受僱員工(含本國籍、外國籍之全時員工及部分工時員工)經常性薪資平均為 44,955 元,月增 0.64%,年增 2.22%;獎金及加班費等非經常性薪資 12,450 元,合計後總薪資為 57,405 元,年增 3.53%;其中部分工時員工經常性時薪 199 元,月增 1.02%,年增 1.53%。

2022 年全年每人每月經常性薪資平均為 44,417 元,年增 2.80%;每人每月總薪資平均為 57,718 元,年增 3.45%。

Tatler Asia
DAGENHAM, ENGLAND - JANUARY 13:  An employee works on an engine production line at a Ford factory on January 13, 2015 in Dagenham, England. Originally opened in 1931, the Ford factory has unveiled a state of the art GBP475 million production line that will start manufacturing the new low-emission, Ford diesel engines from this November this will generate more than 300 new jobs, Ford currently employs around 3000 at the plant in Dagenham.  (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)
Above DAGENHAM, ENGLAND - JANUARY 13: An employee works on an engine production line at a Ford factory on January 13, 2015 in Dagenham, England. Originally opened in 1931, the Ford factory has unveiled a state of the art GBP475 million production line that will start manufacturing the new low-emission, Ford diesel engines from this November this will generate more than 300 new jobs, Ford currently employs around 3000 at the plant in Dagenham. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)

2022 月均薪資最高的是海運?

若是就行業別觀察,全體受僱員工薪資為各行業、職業之平均結果,之前傳出「海運年終高達 45 個月」拜優渥的年終所賜,2022 年海洋水運業每人每月總薪資平均 204,027 元傲視其他產業,其他像是金融服務業(主要為金控公司)127,293 元、銀行業 110,405 元、電子零組件製造業 90,234 元等薪資都相對較高。

Tatler Asia
OAKLAND, CA - AUGUST 05:  John Heckert wipes his eyes as he uses a computer to fill out paperwork for unemployment insurance at Eastbay Works Oakland One-Stop Career Center August 5, 2010 in Oakland, California. U.S. jobless claims unexpectedly rose by 19,000 new claims for the week ending on July 31. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Above OAKLAND, CA - AUGUST 05: John Heckert wipes his eyes as he uses a computer to fill out paperwork for unemployment insurance at Eastbay Works Oakland One-Stop Career Center August 5, 2010 in Oakland, California. U.S. jobless claims unexpectedly rose by 19,000 new claims for the week ending on July 31. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

2022 最「薪」酸的行業是美髮美容?

薪資排在較後的行業為教育業(不含小學以上各級公私立學校等),每人每月總薪資為 3,2236 元,再來是住宿及餐飲業 3,6113 元、其他服務業 3,7682 元、支援服務業 3,8540 元、藝術、娛樂及休閒服務業 3,9909 元,若把把行業細分,美髮及美容美體業 31,241 元以及其他汽車客運業(主要為遊覽車)31,634 元薪資相對較低。

Tatler Asia
LVIV, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 7: An employee demonstrates a test tube with DNA particles at the laboratory of molecular genetic examinations in Lviv, February 7, 2023. During the Russian-Ukrainian war, the main purpose of the laboratory will be to identify the bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers. Also, at the international level, examinations using the DNA analysis method will be conducted here to identify the bodies of the deceased, unknown persons, biological traces on physical evidence, etc. (Photo by Pavlo Pal
Above LVIV, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 7: An employee demonstrates a test tube with DNA particles at the laboratory of molecular genetic examinations in Lviv, February 7, 2023. During the Russian-Ukrainian war, the main purpose of the laboratory will be to identify the bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers. Also, at the international level, examinations using the DNA analysis method will be conducted here to identify the bodies of the deceased, unknown persons, biological traces on physical evidence, etc. (Photo by Pavlo Pal


但因為受到疫情 COVID-19 以及俄烏戰爭的影響,薪水漲幅跟不上通膨高漲,根據了解,去年通膨率逼近 3%,相較薪資漲幅僅有 2.8%,讓薪資落入負成長,計算下來每人薪資較前一年倒退 0.15%,創下 10 年來最大減幅,其中又以服務業受到的影響最大,減幅約 0.32%。
