LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 11: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend a service marking the centenary of WW1 armistice at Westminster Abbey on November 11, 2018 in London, England. The armistice ending the First World War between the Allies and Germany was signed at Compiègne, France on eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month - 11am on the 11th November 1918. This day is commemorated as Remembr
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英國皇室向來都是全球民眾注目的焦點!日前編輯公開了2021最富未成年排行,榜單的頭三位皆由劍橋公爵威廉王子(Prince William)與凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)的子女奪下,其中冠軍為6歲的夏綠蒂公主(Princess Charlotte),更以50億美元(約台幣1,389億台幣)的巨額資產總值位居榜首,讓人看到英國皇室龐大資產實力。

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KING'S LYNN, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 25: (L-R) Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex arrive to attend Christmas Day Church service at Church of St Mary Magdalene on the Sandringham estate on December 25, 2018 in King's Lynn, England. (Photo by Stephen Pond/Getty Images)
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但除了英國皇室財產令人刮目相看外,就連皇室成員的學歷也都不容小覷。位於英國的暑期培訓學校「牛津皇家學院(Oxford Royale Academy )」就特別分析每位成員的學歷、在學成績、求學表現...等,並排行出英國皇室前5名,有興趣的讀者快來看看榜單吧!


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Above IG@sussexroyal

前英國皇室成員王儲次子薩塞克斯公爵哈利王子(Prince Henry)的妻子梅根(Meghan)獲得此榜單的冠軍!梅根在QS世界大學排名第30名的西北大學(Northwestern University)以戲劇、國際關係雙主修畢業,被誇讚為:「新時代有頭腦、高學歷的女性。」


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Above IG@dukeandduchessofcambridge

第2名則由凱特王妃奪下,她念的是排名91的聖安德魯斯大學(University of St Andrews),與自己的丈夫威廉王子一度是同校同學,她的成績評估又高過威廉,所以兩人在聰明皇室成員榜上,分別位居第2名和第3名。


Tatler Asia
LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 11: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend a service marking the centenary of WW1 armistice at Westminster Abbey on November 11, 2018 in London, England. The armistice ending the First World War between the Allies and Germany was signed at Compiègne, France on eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month - 11am on the 11th November 1918. This day is commemorated as Remembr
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排在第4位的即是哈利王子,相較於哥哥威廉王子,哈利的成績並沒有這麼優秀因此沒有就讀一般大學,而去就讀桑德赫斯特皇家軍事學院(Royal Military Academy Sandhurst)。此外,哈利的堂妹尤琴妮公主(Eugenie Victoria Helena)也同居第4名,值得一提的是,尤琴妮目前也是皇室重要成員中極少數還和哈利、梅根關係非常要好的一位。

Tatler Asia
Above IG@dukeandduchessofcambridge


