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Saroengrong Wong-Savun

Founder, Re-Leaf Studio and Rubber Killer


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“One man’s trash is another’s treasure” is espoused by environmentally conscious fashion accessory brand Rubber Killer (2010), where style meets sustainability through the upcycling of abandoned ‘rubbish’. The independent architect and designer of Re-Leaf Studio, believes everyone has a role to play in saving the planet, embraced this role by designing products that are “eco-friendly both in design and production”. In order for products to be truly integrated in daily lifestyle, he designs with practicality and trends in mind. Since 2005, the innovator from Chiang Mai has recycled over 25,000 vehicle inner tubes by transforming them into high-quality footwear, bags and accessories. Their customer ratio is at 40% local and 60% international; they are stocked in Japan, Taiwan, China, Germany, United Kingdom, and Sweden. In 2016, Saroengrong was one of only 10 Thai designers showcased at ASEAN’s biggest fashion trade show, BIFF&BIL. In fact, he’s not just a man of the earth but also of the people, with part of Rubber Killer’s profits funding scholarships for disadvantaged Thai students. The brand also promotes the generation of local income sources by hiring villagers from rural Chiang Mai. Trust us, Saroengrong is saving the world one tote bag at a time.
