Natasha Cinta Vinski-Borneo

Doctor and entrepreneur


A smart young lady with a sociable heart, Natasha is an example for budding entrepreneurs

As the daughter of prominent anti-ageing doctor Deby Vinsky, Natasha studied medicine to continue the family legacy. The Vinski name is famous for stem cell technology and several clinics in Gandaria and Pondok Indah, plus Vinski Tower. She graduated from the medical faculty of Universitas Kristen Indonesia in 2016 and has an MBA degree from the International University of Monaco in 2019. The 1993-born also has a passion for aerospace, having wanted to be a pilot when she was a kid. She founded and became the CEO of Aero Queen and Skyte Aviation. These companies deal in helicopters and private jets targeted at private-owned companies and executive business players. Natasha also has a keen interest in charity by founding a non-profit organisation in 2012 called Love Humanity that focuses on children’s health and education.

Impacted Industries

Did You Know?

Natasha is a famous fashionista with her love of pink extending into almost every aspects of her lifestyle