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Mario Ho

Partner, iDreamsky (iDreamsky Games)


Mario Ho, son of Stanley Ho Hung-sun, is a graduate of the MIT Sloan School of Management. He was the youngest graduate of the master of finance programme in the history of the school and the only Chinese student to have graduated a year early. During his school days, Mario won a Hong Kong-based mathematics championship twice and took home five medals in the British Mathematics Olympiad. In the first half of 2018, Mario formally joined iDreamsky (iDreamsky Games), one of the largest game publishers in China. In July 2017, he joined My Future, a top-rated original science and technology show programme produced by Hunan TV; and in November 2017, he took part in Who's Still Standing produced by Jiangsu TV. In January 2018, he participated in Super Brain/The Brain produced by Jiangsu TV; and later in the year, he took part in King of War, a live-action reality match of Honor of Kings produced by Tencent Video.

Impacted Industries
