Kun Lin Lee

CEO, Jola International


Kun Lin Lee, CEO of Jola International, has the science of masking down to an art

Kun Lin Lee is the CEO of Jola International, the mother company of Timeless Truth Mask (TTM), the world expert in facial masks. Starting as an e-commerce company in 2012, TTM quickly became the Taiwanese mask brand that conquered the French market in 2015. Lee also oversees Jolab, Taiwan’s first efficacy test centre for skin care development. Soon, he will also be launching the company’s own beauty care brand, Jola.

With a revenue of NT$500 million in 2019, Jola International is one of the biggest players in Taiwan’s beauty industry with a strong research and development arm. Recently, it also went into the development of hand sanitisers in response to the global pandemic, as well as other adjacent products, such as a soothing patch to wear under a face mask, to address modern skin issues.

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Did You Know?

Kun Lin Lee’s Timeless Truth Mask was nominated for 12 Pure Beauty Awards in 2019.