Jung Ting Yeh

Chairman and CEO, FamilyMart Co, Ltd


With three million daily customers, Jung Ting Yeh’s FamilyMart looks to increase its sustainability

The rising awareness of food wastage has led FamilyMart to increase its investment in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance). Jung Ting Yeh, who took over as chairman in 2015, focused on solving the problem of food waste in three ways. First is by extending the shelf life of food products through temperature and humidity control and choice of packaging material. Second is by using AI to predict the store’s sales volume, and third is by discounting the food by 30 per cent seven hours before its expiration date. Through these strategies, FamilyMart reduced leftover food by 3,000 tons in 2020.

In 2022, the company announced that these measures helped reduce food waste by 370 tonnes per month and plastic waste production by 100 tonnes per year. It has also expanded to 4,000 stores across Taiwan, with plans of adding 200 more stores in the near future.

Impacted Industries

Did You Know?

FamilyMart launched a line of “100% non-additive” food products this year and is expected to upgrade more of its existing foods into certified “Clean Label” products.