Esti Nurjadin

Chair, Indonesia Heart Foundation


Apart from running her own successful art gallery, D Gallerie in South Jakarta, Esti Nurjadin finds time for her humanitarian work with the Indonesia Heart Foundation
Esti Nurjadin

The pandemic didn’t stop Esti Nurjadin from performing her duties as chair of the Indonesia Heart Foundation. She was quick to pivot, adopting digital platforms to spread awareness for Covid-19, while also stressing the importance of a healthy lifestyle in order to strengthen the immune system. Nurjadin also initiated webinars with doctors in attendance to address questions about the coronavirus.

On top of that, Nurjadin continued with the foundation’s goal to raise awareness about heart-disease prevention. Though transitioning to digital was a challenge initially, Nurjadin realised how online platforms expanded the organisation’s reach to extend beyond Jakarta.

Understandably, a lot of the foundation’s events are on hold. But Nurjadin still managed to proceed with a big fund-raiser last September, with a virtual concert’s proceeds benefiting children with congenital heart disease. The Indonesia Heart Bike was also green-lighted, with registration fees going into research on rheumatic heart disease as well life-saving surgery for young patients.

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