Ding Xuan Shen

Chairman, Yuanta Financial Holdings


As a 30-year veteran of the company, Yuanta Financial Holdings’ chairman Ding Xuan Shen leads it toward sustainability and inclusive growth

Led by chairman Ding Xuan Shen, Yuanta Financial Holdings has proven itself ready for the acceleration of the shift to digital services; in 2020, the company recorded a net profit of NT$24.105 billion, taking advantage of the rare investment boom during the pandemic.

Yuanta Bank also enticed young people into starting a wealth management fund with a minimum of 300,000 yuan. Since the launch of this program, 90 per cent of the investors who have signed up were first-timers, and 24 per cent of them were under 30 years old.

A veteran employee of Yuanta, Shen started as a salesperson, later managing the brokerage business then directing its securities arm, before being named chairman in 2019.

Impacted Industries

Did You Know?

Yuanta is a pioneer in sustainability, being the first financial company in Taiwan to pledge to use 10 per cent of green electricity by 2022, with a net zero emissions target by 2050.