Andini Effendi

News anchor, Metro TV


Journalist Andini Effendi has been on top of breaking news for 16 years, and now she is involved in its investigative storytelling
Andini Effendi

Many Indonesians have turned on the TV set to hear the most pressing news first from Andini Effendi. Effendi has been a journalist for about 16 years since 2007, working as a news anchor at Global TV, ANTV and Metro TV. Her career began with modelling before she broke the news on some of the most important events nationally and internationally, including the Libyan civil war in 2011 and the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

Effendi earned two Best Current Affairs Presenter titles from the Asian Television Awards in 2019 and 2020. She studied journalism at Pelita Harapan University, North Jakarta, and took her Master’s in Peacebuilding at New York University.

Today, Effendi continues to advocate for global and women’s issues through collaborations through her digital networks. She is also the joint recipient of the 2019 Elizabeth O’Neill Journalism Award from the Australian government.

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Did You Know?

Effendi left her TV presenting role recently to become more involved in the investigative work of news documentaries.