Cover Here's what the stars have in store for us this week (Illustration: Chesca Gamboa/ Tatler Asia)

Mid-Autumn Festival’s full moon will bring realisations and breakthroughs. This is Tatler’s weekly horoscope for September 19 to 25

Welcome back to our weekly astrology series led by Hong Kong-based Western astrologer, De Rui.

A new season begins just after the Full Moon. The Sun enters Libra and pulls closer to the Warrior planet. Celebrate your strong inner feminine by letting your guard down.

See also: The Stories Behind Mid-Autumn Festival

Humbled by realisations

Stars signs affected the most: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces can experience more wholeness.

This week’s Full Moon in Pisces is a holiday in the Chinese-speaking world and coincides with a turning of seasons. Realisations and breakthroughs at this time may be humbling. We may find it easier to open to our hearts and recognize our oneness with others. As the Sun passes over the equator this Autumn Equinox, make peace with life’s uncertainties and forces beyond your control.

Competitive energies

Stars signs affected the most: Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn may want to count to 10 before reacting.

The competitive spirit heats up with the Sun and Mars pulling closer and once again in the same sign. After the Sun’s move into Libra on September 23, don’t be surprised to see more battles over who is the bigger and better person. If used the right way, this energy over the next few weeks could be beneficial for achieving more fairness and justice in the world.

Welcome the feminine spirit

Stars signs affected the most: Taurus and Scorpio are called to let their guard down.

Venus contacts this week with Uranus and asteroid Pallas Athena are calling forth the divine feminine spirit in all of us. Honour the softer energies within and work at showing more vulnerability. Maintaining your independence and personal space may feel important but now is a safe time to let someone get closer.

About Our Astrologer

De Rui is a Hong Kong-based Western astrologer and the founder of Chart Life, a personalised astrology service for those who want specific insights for love, business and personal growth. She offers the standard caveat that the most relevant astrological interpretations are based on birth charts.  De Rui is a member of the British Astrological Association and the National Council for Geocosmic Research, and is a graduate of Harvard College.  

See also: 5 Best Astrology Apps To Try In 2021
