Sushi Zo

Japanese   |   $ $ $ $   |   Central

Sushi Zo is the fifth omakase restaurant by chef-owner Keizo Seki, after locations in Tokyo, Los Angeles, New York and Bangkok, and it has the benefit of a setting as impressive as Tai Kwun. Specialising in omakase, the restaurant serves only two seatings in the evening for a maximum of 12 guests, who can enjoy an 18-course feast of the freshest Japanese produce flown in daily.


Sushi Zo是主廚兼老闆的Keizo Seki繼東京、洛杉磯、紐約和曼谷之後,開設的第5間廚師發辦餐廳,店內環境與店的所在地大館一樣令人印象深刻。餐廳專門提供廚師發辦,晚市僅有兩間包廂可供預約,每間最多容納14名客人,客人可以在包廂中享用由日本新鮮空運抵港的食材烹製而成的18道菜盛宴。

Signature Dishes

  • Sushi Zo specialises in omakase

Tatler Tip


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