Cover How to Brew Perfect Tea

Stephen Twining, scion of the venerable tea dynasty, gives us tips on brewing the perfect cup of tea

"It's your cup of tea ­– drink it how you like it – that's my mantra," says Stephen Twining, as he sips his morning fix of English Breakfast. "Have it with milk, sugar, honey or a slice of lemon – don't let the tea snobs boss you around."

As director of corporate relations for venerable tea company, Twinings, Stephen must guzzle gallons of the aromatic brew each year. "Tea is this tiny word and a lot of people see it as just one drink, but there's a cornucopia of flavours out there. I never get bored."

The 10th-generation scion of the famous tea dynasty admits to drinking at least 10 cups every day. "I absolutely cannot start the day without a cup of English Breakfast – it's my get-me-going tea. When I first get into the office I drink Ceylon, then I work my way towards a Darjeeling. By lunchtime I'll be on to Earl or Lady Grey. In the afternoon, well, it's a total free-for-all."

More of a coffee fan? Read our feature on how to pair coffee with food here.

Founded in 1706, Twinings now sells more than seven billion teabags a year to 115 countries around the world. It's the second largest purveyor of tea in the world, offering 200 different blends. In 1837, Queen Victoria awarded the company a British Royal Warrant, and it has supplied the palace ever since. Even some members of pop music royalty are partial to Twinings' traditional blends. "We believe Madonna is a fan," says Twining between sips. "Then there's Victoria Beckham. She was on a diet that involved drinking a certain type of tea ­– we believe it was one of ours."

When it comes to preparing the perfect cuppa – Twining is overflowing with tea-making tips.

- Don't use distilled bottled water because it doesn't contain any oxygen. It's the oxygen that helps release the flavour from the tea. Just use tap water – it'll taste much better

- For black tea, pour the water just as it hits boiling point

- For green or white tea, let the water cool for three minutes or it will taste bitter

- For teapot users, the flavour sinks to the bottom, so remember to stir before you pour

- For teabag users – patience is the secret ingredient. A teabag is designed to give off its full flavour, and all its antioxidants, in three minutes. People in a hurry will get a far inferior-tasting cup of tea than those who are prepared to wait

Most importantly, you can raise your pinky in pride, knowing that the tea you are drinking is ethically sound. "Twinings is committed to improving the working conditions of tea plantation workers worldwide and we were a founder member of the Ethical Tea Partnership back in 1997. The partnership works to improve the livelihoods of tea workers through improved employment conditions, education, maternity welfare and health and safety."

For more on different types of teas, read our previous feature on summer teas here.

So what are you waiting for – get brewing.

This expert was taking from the December 2011 issue of Hong Kong Tatler.