TAIPEI, TAIWAN - 2021/07/29: People are lining up to take out food in Miaokou Night Market in Keelung amid covid-19 pandemic.As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has continued to dip lately, Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said that the CECC is planning to draw up epidemic management guidance for restaurants and night markets that would allow them to reopen. (Photo by Shih Hsun Chao/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Cover Photo by Shih Hsun Chao/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images


近期國內疫情出現趨緩,大家的生活慢慢回到正軌,餐飲、旅遊業也日漸復甦。而上半年許多行業都受到影響,國內的小吃零售業、觀光業等都是一片蕭條,為了緩解這個狀況,行政院拍板五倍券振興方案讓國民領取救經濟!另外還有各部會推出的動滋券、客庄券、藝 FUN 券等等,種類繁多的票券不免也讓大家有點「霧煞煞」,就讓 Tatler 為你解惑一番!


Tatler Asia
People with face masks in a cinema, as Covid-19 restrictions have been partially lifted after the island combating a serious outbreak causing multiple deaths and infections, in Taipei, Taiwan, 13 July 2021. Non essential businesses including restaurants, libraries and sport facilities have been allowed to reopen by Taiwan CDC, but several local authorities did not follow in fear of uncurbed transmissions of the coronavirus, whilst the country is facing vaccines buying and supply difficulties (Photo by Ceng
Above Photo by Ceng/Getty Images


為了避免大家前往郵局造成群聚,這次「實體券」鼓勵先預約再領取,民眾可以在 9 月下旬前往中華郵政的預約網頁、或是各大超商多媒體服務機(Kiosk)搶先登記,就可以成為第一梯次領取五倍券的民眾,屆時開放使用就可以拿到熱騰騰的票券!
另外「數位券」可以在 9 月底直接前往「數位支付業者的網站或 APP」登記綁定,或同樣前往超商多媒體服務機(Kiosk)利用健保卡檢核身份資格。
最後要注意的是,這回五倍券採取全民普發的制度,只要在 2022 年 4 月 30 日前出生的中華民國國民都可以領取,就連擁有永久居留權的外籍人士也享有同樣權利!


Tatler Asia
Above 圖片來源:行政院


眼看近日疫情較穩定,振興工作刻不容緩,行政院預計在 10 月上旬開放使用,使用期限為期半年至 2022 年 4 月 30 日。


Tatler Asia
TAIPEI, TAIWAN - 2021/07/30: People are lining up to take out food in Wanhua Night Market amid covid-19 pandemic.As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has continued to dip lately, Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said that the CECC is planning to draw up epidemic management guidance for restaurants and night markets that would allow them to reopen. (Photo by Shih Hsun Chao/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Above Photo by Shih Hsun Chao/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images



Tatler Asia
Restaurant worker takes temperature for customers  following 206 new domestic Covid cases reported Sunday, a record high since the pandemic started to expand,  in Taipei, Taiwan, 16 May 2021. Stricter restrictions including compulsory mask wearing in public areas and limiting large gatherings have been imposed in the capital Taipei and new Taipei. (Photo by Ceng Shou Yi/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Above Photo by Ceng Shou Yi/NurPhoto via Getty Images


而各部會的「加碼券」在去年受到廣大迴響,今年同樣受到各界的期待,除了大家熟悉的動滋券、藝 FUN 券、農遊券之外,還有推出三種好食券(經濟部)、國旅券(交通部)以及 i 原券(原民會)!另外有別於前次要前往各個網站登記預約,這次程序簡化,會利用振興券官網一併登記抽籤,讓民眾可以輕鬆受惠!

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