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時隔 4 年,金惠子奶奶在《我們的藍調時光》中,以東昔(李炳憲飾演)的媽媽姜玉東一角回歸小螢幕。4 年前因出演韓劇《耀眼》飾演金惠子而廣受台灣劇迷認識,而現在更因為《我們的藍調時光》和東昔的母子感情戲讓劇迷印象深刻,究竟惠子奶奶還有什麼獨特的魅力呢?此篇就來介紹被譽為「國民母親」國寶級影后金惠子。

1. 含著金湯匙出生

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金惠子出生富裕家庭,根據韓網報導,她父親是位「政府高官」所以家裡當時也是政府提供的,除了從小不愁衣食外,據說家中光是客廳大小就足足有 200 坪,並且金惠子也透露,當時會有很多爸爸的朋友來家中聚會,可見爸爸交友廣闊並且有一定的影響力。

2. 父親鼓勵:「成為有影響力的大人物!」

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CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 16:  Actress Kim Hye-Ja and Actor Won Bin attends the Mother Photocall held at the Palais Des Festivals during the 62nd International Cannes Film Festival on May 16, 2009 in Cannes, France.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
Above SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - MAY 01 : Actress Kim Hye Ja attends the 55th Baeksang Arts Awards held at COEX in southern Seoul on May 1, 2019 in Seoul, South Korea.(Photo by The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins via Getty Images)
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CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 16:  Actress Kim Hye-Ja attends the Mother Photocall held at the Palais Des Festivals during the 62nd International Cannes Film Festival on May 16, 2009 in Cannes, France.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
Above CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 16: Actress Kim Hye-Ja attends the Mother Photocall held at the Palais Des Festivals during the 62nd International Cannes Film Festival on May 16, 2009 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

金惠子直到高中畢業後,在梨花女子大學修讀美術時,突然對於「演戲有興趣」便前往參加韓國電視台 KBS 的演員選拔,甚至希望可以退學專心演戲,金惠子回憶道,「本以為家人會制止她這不切實際的夢,結果沒想到父親非常支持。」並且跟金惠子說道,「如果要當演員,就要成為最頂尖,並且具有影響力的大人物!」


3. 爸爸、老公都支持她的演員夢

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CENTURY CITY, CA - JANUARY 15:  Actress Kim Hye-ja arrives at the 36th Annual Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards at InterContinental Hotel on January 15, 2011 in Century City, California.  (Photo by Dr. Billy Ingram/WireImage)
Above CENTURY CITY, CA - JANUARY 15: Actress Kim Hye-ja arrives at the 36th Annual Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards at InterContinental Hotel on January 15, 2011 in Century City, California. (Photo by Dr. Billy Ingram/WireImage)

後來惠子遇上了大她 11 歲的企業家林宗燦,兩人相戀並結婚,在結婚後 4 年金惠子都在家中相夫教子,有趣的是,居然是因為丈夫嫌棄她不會做家務,因而重拾演員夢?其實丈夫林宗燦是玩笑表示:「她不會做家務,連碗都不會洗,在家裡還需要教育孩子,感覺她的生活都變得毫無熱誠,所以我支持她去重拾夢想、回去演戲!」此番話也讓大眾感到丈夫對惠子滿滿的愛。

4. 逢 9 便能領到大獎

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SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - MAY 01 : Actress Kim Hye Ja attends the 55th Baeksang Arts Awards held at COEX in southern Seoul on May 1, 2019 in Seoul, South Korea.(Photo by The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins via Getty Images)
Above SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - MAY 01 : Actress Kim Hye Ja attends the 55th Baeksang Arts Awards held at COEX in southern Seoul on May 1, 2019 in Seoul, South Korea.(Photo by The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins via Getty Images)
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GOYANG, SOUTH KOREA - JUNE 05: Kim Hye-Ja and Kim Hee-Ae attends the 56th Baeksang Arts Awards at Kintex on June 05, 2020 in Goyang, South Korea. (Photo by JTBC PLUS/Imazins via Getty Images)
Above GOYANG, SOUTH KOREA - JUNE 05: Kim Hye-Ja and Kim Hee-Ae attends the 56th Baeksang Arts Awards at Kintex on June 05, 2020 in Goyang, South Korea. (Photo by JTBC PLUS/Imazins via Getty Images)

也因為家人的全力支持,讓金惠子毫無後顧之憂的全力把心放在演戲上,因而她也開始在韓國影壇發光發熱,並且金惠子還有一個傳說,就是她「逢 9 便會拿大獎!」根據報導,自百想藝術大獎於 1979 年起創立電視部門大獎後,金惠子每逢 9 結尾的年份(1999 年除外)皆是最高榮譽的大獎得主,並且與韓國演員金喜愛,是韓國唯 2 曾奪得超過一次大獎的演員,實力超群。

5. 「我的人生偶爾不幸、偶爾幸福,但我仍然耀眼的活過每一天。」

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SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - February 11: Actress Kim Hye-Ja and Han Ji-Min during a JTBC drama 'Dazzling' press conference at Conrad Seoul on February 11, 2019 in Seoul, South Korea. (Photo by The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins via Getty Images)
Above SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - February 11: Actress Kim Hye-Ja and Han Ji-Min during a JTBC drama 'Dazzling' press conference at Conrad Seoul on February 11, 2019 in Seoul, South Korea. (Photo by The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins via Getty Images)
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而在 1998 年時,金惠子的丈夫林宗燦因為胰臟癌離世,金惠子到現在聊到關於丈夫的事,還是都擁滿滿愛意,並於 2019 年榮獲第 55 屆百想電視部門大賞時,得獎感言提到:「我的人生偶爾不幸、偶爾幸福。我很高興自己活過一場,並且沒有一天不是耀眼的。」同時鼓勵喜愛她的影迷,「既然出生在這個世界上,你就有資格每天享受這一切,雖然現在生活可能很疲憊,但也請耀眼的活在每個今天吧!」令人動容。
